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High-yield instructional strategies that engage all students is the focus of the majority of our training programs and at the core is research conducted by Dr. Robert Marzano. Many of you have experienced one of Dr. Mulligan's presentations about Marzano's nine identified instructional strategies ... but, did you know that even before those, Marzano identified seven classroom strategies that allow teachers to work effectively in the classroom? They are:
- Good teachers set goals
- Effective teachers provide feedback
- Teachers should help students interact with new knowledge
- Good teachers should provide students with simulations and low-stakes competition
- Effective teachers should establish and maintain classroom rules
- Teachers should maintain relationships with students
- Good teachers should communicate high expectations
These seven classroom strategies set the stage for a productive learning environment - and ultimately, allow for success when implementing those nine instructional strategies! Concordia University provides a summary of Marzano's Model of Teaching Effectiveness that you can review here.
Join us on Twitter or Facebook and tell us: Do you think these seven classroom strategies provide a necessary foundation for implementing the nine instructional strategies?